WW 080: Marisa Meddin on Beginning With The End In Mind
Marisa Meddin is the founder of TalkCollegeToMe.com, an online education company dedicated to helping parents tackle the complex college admissions process. Marisa joined me on the podcast for a fun interview about goal setting, money mindset, working from anywhere, and if college is really worth it.
Listen to the show:
Resources From This Episode
Get Marisa’s Guide on How To Find and Win Scholarship Money
Book Recommendation: The 4-Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss*
Manifestation Babe’s Book Unleash Your Inner Money Babe
Marisa’s Instagram @mlmeddin
Other Helpful Resources
Join The Wealthy Wanderers (our private Facebook community!)
Check out The Money Program (get your financial life together in 6 weeks!)
Ready to take your finances to the next level with some 1-on-1 Money Coaching? Click here to apply.
*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!